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Scalable cities


The island of Hvar is located approximately 40 km off the Dalmatian coast in Croatia, and is the fourth largest Croatian island with a total area of 297 km². The SOLUTION demonstration area comprises the whole island.

SOLUTION Site Cernier

The community of Cernier in the canton of Neuchâtel in Switzerland is one of four pilot communities within the SOLUTION project. It is a typical Swiss community (most municipalities do not have more than 10 000 inhabitants), which makes it a good national role model and the experiences can be transferred to other Swiss cities of similar size.

SERVE Site North Tipperary

The rural region of North Tipperary in the Mid-West of Ireland covers a total area of 600 km² with a population of 10,000 people. The region has an agricultural base and its village and town structure are typical of rural Ireland. There is limited use of renewables and 60% of existing houses were built with poor insulation levels (prior to 1980). The SERVE project aims to develop a sustainable region in North Tipperary through the implementation of actions in the field of sustainable energy.

SEMS Site Redange

The CONCERTO project in Redange, Luxembourg covers more than a tenth of the area of the country. The Redange canton is an agricultural area with ten villages and 14,000 inhabitants. Together with other communities, its objective is to switch over to renewable energy supply.

Redange already has a reputation in Luxembourg as a pioneer in energy efficiency and renewable energy. The project activities are a further step in the direction towards greater sustainability.

SEMS Site Słubice

In Słubice the CONCERTO project is developing a biomass master plan. The district heating company is planning to modernise the town´s heating plant and change the coal burning heating system into a biomass systems. In addition, a study about the area´s biomass potential will be elaborated in order to create local markets for wood, energy crops, biogas, short rotation willow and straw.

SEMS Site Weilerbach

The association of municipalities Weilerbach is located close to Kaiserslautern in western Germany. It is a rural area – the district covers eight villages from Reichenbach-Steegen in the West to Rodenbach in the East. Weilerbach´s aim is to become a zero emission village by achieving CO2 neutrality by 2015.

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