The role of Scalable Cities is to identify and promote scalable integrated solutions and business models to develop sustainable districts across Europe that will lead to measurable outcomes.
Scalable Cities is an initiative of the European Commission to create an innovative, sustainable and city-led community of smart and climate-neutral cities in Europe. Scalable Cities represent 142 unique cities involved in 28 Smart Cities and Communities (SCC) and Positive Energy Districts (PED) projects funded by the Horizon 2020 and HorizonEurope programmes that are working in consortia with academia, industry, associations and consultants.
Together, they have implemented more than 550 demonstrations of technological and social innovations in the areas of mobility and logistics, buildings, urban data and ICT infrastructure, citizen engagement as well as urban governance.
Secretariat services:
- The City Coordinators Group brings together cities to share knowledge, facilitate collaboration and lead advocacy actions.
- The Peer-to-Peer Learning programme is offered to cities to build capacity in public administrations.
- The Action Grant offers financial support to replicate already proven measures.
- The Task Groups bring together practitioners to work on issues related to smart cities.
- The Experts Group offers technical advice to support the work of Scalable Cities.
- The Roadshow offers a financial capacity-building program is designed to help cities acquire the knowledge needed to scale up energy transition projects.
By fostering cross-collaboration between stakeholders across Europe, Scalable Cities deliver tangible evidence on how smart actions can pave the way to achieve climate neutral cities. The Board of Coordinators directs the work of Scalable Cities and is supported by a secretariat which serves also as a central contact point for all inquiries.
Cities are the main engines of economic growth, driving scientific and technological innovation, social mobility and climate-related issues. The adoption of smart solutions by all cities is paramount in our efforts to combat and mitigate climate-change and address other key industrial or societal challenges.
The cities that are represented by Scalable Cities have already shown significant results, achieving:
- more than 53% energy saved
- up to 88% CO2 emissions reduced
- over 17 500 smart meters installed
- over 1 million m2 floor space refurbished
- more than 5270 e-vehicles introduced
- nearly 500 e-charging stations installed
- more than 260 000 citizens engaged
Overview of ongoing and finished projects can be found through the below links:
For any questions on Scalable Cities, please contact the Scalable Cities Secretariat via helpdesk.