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Smart Cities Marketplace

Join Our Discussion and Focus Groups!

The Smart Cities Marketplace introduces Discussion and Focus Groups to foster peer exchange and support sustainable urban development.

  • Discussion Groups: Online forums where participants share experiences, collaborate, and discuss specific themes. Guided by a chair and a Smart Cities Marketplace team member.
  • Focus Groups: Collaborative efforts tackling shared smart city challenges. Unlike Discussion Groups, these involve online and in-person meetings (e.g., webinars, workshops). A secretariat member facilitates communication with potential for project development.

Who Can Apply?
This is open to consortia, cities, industries, SMEs, investors, researchers, and smart city experts from EU Member States or associated countries. Applicants must be at least 18 and free from conflicts of interest.

Why Apply?
Shape the agenda, gain visibility in the EU Smart Cities community, and engage in meaningful peer exchanges.


Smart Cities Marketplace Charter (2023).pdf
Terms of Reference - Discussion groups.docx
Terms of Reference - Focus groups.docx

Community groups

Small Giants Focus Group

A majority of European city residents live not in the metropolises of London, Paris or Milan, but in small and medium-sized cities and towns. Therefore, if we want to speed up the delivery of our...

Deep Retrofitting Focus Group

Building stock is responsible for around 40% of the energy consumption and 40% of the CO2 emissions in a city. Considering the obsolescence of existing building stock at European level, the energy (in...