BRIDGE is a European Commission initiative that unites Horizon 2020 & Horizon Europe Smart Grid, Energy Storage, Islands, and Digitalisation Projects...
BRIDGE is a European Commission initiative that unites Horizon 2020 & Horizon Europe Smart Grid, Energy Storage, Islands, and Digitalisation Projects...
BUILD UP is an environment for building professionals, local authorities and building occupants. BUILD UP promotes the exchange of best practices...
The support service for Citizen-led renovation is an EU initiative aiming to empower energy communities to put citizens in the driver’s seat for...
CIVITAS is one of the flagship programmes helping the European Commission achieve its ambitious mobility and transport goals, and in turn those in the...
Welcome to the Clean Energy for EU Islands Secretariat! We are a one-stop-shop for Europe’s island communities transitioning to clean energies...
The EU Covenant of Mayors for Climate & Energy brings together thousands of local governments voluntarily committed to implementing EU climate and...
The European Commission has recently launched the new Citizens’ Engagement Platform (CEP), an online space for all EU citizens to share their thoughts...
EIT Urban Mobility EIT Urban Mobility is an initiative of the European Institute of Innovation and Technology (EIT). Since January 2019 we have been...
Eltis facilitates the exchange of information, knowledge and experience in the field of sustainable urban mobility in Europe.
Energy Cities Energy Cities is the European Association of local authorities in energy transition. The association created in 1990 represents now more...
WELCOME TO THE EUROPEAN CITY FACILITY - EUCF Municipalities and local authorities are the driver of the European sustainable energy transition. With...
This is an annual cash prize awarded to the European city that is best able to demonstrate its ability to harness innovation to improve the lives of...
The Covenant of Companies is a newly launched European Commission (DG ENER) pilot initiative to encourage and support companies to step up their...
The European Energy Award is a quality management and awarding system for municipalities and regions.
The European Energy Efficiency Financing Coalition is a Commission initiative that brings together EU countries, financial institutions, and relevant...