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Smart Cities Marketplace


The Smart Cities Marketplace matchmaking process supports the development, uptake, and upscaling of proven solutions in clean energy, ICT solutions and sustainable mobility to help communities, towns and cities accelerate the transition toward climate neutrality.

How is it done?

The Marketplace focuses on knowledge sharing, capacity building and providing guidance and practical advice with the support of its community and its expanding Investor Network

The matchmaking support includes activities such as

  • 1-to-1-consultancy deployed locally by our legal, financial, technical and governance experts,
  • “Deal” meetings with investors,
  • Financing Masterclasses,
  • Matchmaking webinars & Matchmaking online info days.

If you want further information on the Smart Cities Marketplace matchmaking activities, please sign up for our newsletter and/or get in touch with the Matchmaking experts.

Please also note that the Covenant of Mayors, a fellow EC initiative of the Smart Cities Marketplace, has a funding guide that you can explore here Financing opportunities | Covenant of Mayors - Europe (

SCM matchmaking process