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Smart Cities Marketplace

City Coordinators Group

The City Coordinators Group (CCG) gathers cities to address specific challenges and create a space for the co-design of shared solutions. In 2024 the Group’s main objective is to facilitate knowledge sharing and exchange.

How does it work?

The group organises three meetings per year, alternating between in-person and online sessions. Each meeting focuses on a priority topic that has been raised in previous sessions. 

Additionally, every member of the CCG is granted access to a repository of materials and presentations and receives periodic emails containing information about funding and other relevant opportunities.

2024 Calendar of events

How to join?

The City Coordinators Group (CCG) started as a platform to facilitate the exchange, cooperation and co-creation among Lighthouse and Fellow cities, but is now also open to cities from new smart city projects funded under Horizon Europe, and also to other cities interested in benefiting from the knowledge sharing and activities of the group. 

In order to join the CCG, ask a representative from that city to fill out and submit a short contact form. Their email address is then added to the CCG contact database, they will be given access to an online CCG Repository that stores relevant documents and contacts and they will be invited to attend the group’s meetings. Register to join

Register to join

Financial support to travel to Scalable Cities’ events

Fellow cities and Lighthouse cities from ended Scalable Cities projects or observer cities officially registered as members of the CCG or fellow cities from ongoing Scalable Cities projects  can request a Scalable Cities travel contribution to participate in up to two City Coordinators Group physical events per year

Who can apply for a travel financial contribution?

The applicant must be a representative of:

  • a Fellow city or Lighthouse city that participated in a concluded SCC01 project, or
  • an officially registered observer city in the CCG, or
  • a fellow city involved in an ongoing Scalable Cities project. However, eligibility for travel contribution applies only if the requested contribution is for an event not organised by their own project, and double funding is to be avoided.

The maximum contribution is 750 EUR per trip and 1500 EUR per year per city.

Apply for financial support for travel


For any questions on Scalable Cities, please contact the Scalable Cities Secretariat.

