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Smart Cities Marketplace

Action Grant

The Scalable Cities Action Grant is a financial tool to support the replication of measures already successfully tested in Smart Cities and Communities projects.

All four calls for proposals are now closed! 


About Action Grant

The Scalable Cities Action Grant financially supports cities and ad-hoc partnerships that wish to replicate measures that were successfully implemented through SCC projects to facilitate the transition towards climate neutrality.

The Scalable Cities Action Grant is implemented in collaboration with the European Commission and CINEA. The EC has set out a clear aim for Scalable Cities to deploy wide-scale, innovative, replicable and integrated solutions in the energy, transport, and ICT areas and to trigger large-scale economic investment with a view to transforming the market.

The Action Grant is organised through four calls for proposals with four deadlines, covering different topics. This call targets cities and related partners (local energy agencies, construction agencies, civil society organisations, research institutes) from completed Horizon 2020 SCC01 Lighthouse projects and/or external cities interested in replicating specific actions from those Scalable Cities projects.

Budget and Implementation

The indicative budget to be awarded in the period 2022 to 2024 is EUR 1.003.000 to fund around 20 to 30 projects.

The maximum grant amount for one project is EUR 50 000.

Applicants may submit proposals that have higher overall budgets, but the action grant may in no case exceed EUR 50 000 per project. In this case, applicants have to co-finance the difference.

How to apply?

Applications are now closed. 

Funded Projects

A comprehensive list of all funded projects can be found in the Document section below. 


For any questions on Scalable Cities, please contact the Scalable Cities Secretariat.


Projects funded under the Scalable Cities Action Grant.pdf