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Smart Cities Marketplace

Overview of supported projects

This following provides an overview on the projects supported by the Smart Cities Marketplace (SCM) for the period January 2018 - February 2025.

From 2018 to date, the Smart Cities Marketplace (SCM) has assisted 134 projects of a total value of about €740 million. The SCM connects interested cities and city-led consortia, including businesses, technical developers, universities, NGOs, and other stakeholders to a growing network of 17 investors, virtually able to provide a large mix of products ranging from subsides to loans, equity, debt, and mixed solutions to bankable projects of almost any size all over the European Union and beyond.

Distribution of requests for support received per country

The requests for support received by the SCM come from cities and other stakeholders from 22 EU Member States, with Germany (20), Italy (18), Spain (14), and Portugal (12) among the top contributors (based on data from 2020 to February 2025, EU Member States only).

Distribition of requests for supporr received per country

Sectoral breakdown of projects supported

The projects presented by cities and city-led consortia from EU Member States and matched with investors or supported with tailored advisory services cover the sectors of energy efficiency, renewables, mobility, ICTs (see below, based on data from 2020 to February 2025, EU Member States only). 

Sector and value of the projects supported by the SCM and coming from cities and other stakeholders located in the European Union

Investment value breakdown of projects supported

Their corresponding investment value per country is visualised below (based on data from 2020 to February 2025, EU Member States only). Italy leads with the highest investment volume at 103.2 million euros. Portugal follows closely with 90.6 million euros. Poland and the Czech Republic also show significant investments of 52.5 million euros and 40 million euros, respectively. Other countries, including Spain (11M), Belgium (10M), Germany (7.5M), Ireland (2.5M), and the Netherlands (3.5M), have lower but notable investment volumes.

Investment values per country

Data download

The data used for the above is available for download. Note that there are some data gaps due to the fact that SCM consortia over time have used various methods to record progress.


SCM data raw.xlsx