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Scalable cities

E2REBUILD Site Roosendaal


Project status



The E2REBUILD demonstration in Roosendaal, the Netherlands, consists of 112 identical, single family terrace houses built in 1960 in the area of Kroeven. The whole area underwent a transformation, which included renovation of existing houses and new construction. The retrofit of 50 of the houses was part of the E2REBUILD project and was completed at the beginning of 2011.

The renovation in the Roosendaal pilot buildings took place with the tenants remaining in their homes throughout the entire renovation work, which required consideration from both sides and continuous dialogue.


Demo Site Expected Impact

*The KPIs for the new building are compared with the baseline of a reference building.

The demonstration site in Roosendaal consists of an overall gross floor area of 460 m² that has been refurbished in the project.

As a result of the energy efficiency, the space heating was reduced from 109 kWh/m²/yr (business as ususal) to 28 kWh/m²/yr, while electricity consumption was reduced from 37 kWh/m²/yr (business as usual) to 32 kWh/m²/yr. Together with the domestic hot water, the total consumption went from 173 kWh/m²/yr to 76 kWh/m²/yr, representing a decrease of more than half when compared to the reference building.

This makes a total 45 MWh/yr of final energy savings. According to the primary energy and CO2 factors provided by the project, the primary energy savings go up to 48 MWh/yr while the CO2 reduction amounts to 46 tonnes every year.


Buildings and energy

The refurbishment measures implemented in Roosendaal included:

Energy efficiency in buildings

  • Retrofitting the building envelope
    • New 350 mm timber frame element with cellulose insulation for the walls
    • Triple-glazed passive house window frames
    • Prefabricated timber roof elements, filled with 350 mm insulation
    • External facade cladding made of natural slate
  • Building services (HVAC & Lighting)
    • Heat recovery ventilation 

Energy systems integration

  • Thermal collectors

The investment cost for the intervention was EUR 1 107/m², making a total of EUR 509 220. According to the provided data, the yearly cost savings for energy result in EUR 4 622 for monitored values. The payback period according to the data provided and SCIS calculations exceeds 30 years.

The financial analysis shows that the profitability of the project is not given due to the high investments in comparison to the low energy cost savings. This however does not reflect non-monetary benefits that might occur during implementation. The life time of the buildings is extended with 50 years, without the need for investing in new buildings and replacing tenants.

Building aspects

  • Installed Renewable Energy Sources
  • solar thermal collectors

Thematic Field

  • Refurbished Building(s)

Refurbished buildings

View more visualisations of E2REBUILD Site Roosendaal


Chiel Boonstra
The Netherlands