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Scalable cities


The London ECOSTILER community is based in the London Borough of Lambeth. ECOSTILER in London has demonstrated the successful refurbishment of three high rise tower blocks that has achieved an 80% reduction in carbon emissions of a typical three bedroom flat and the landlords footprint..

Lambeth is one of a ring of fourteen inner London authorities. The Borough has its northern boundary on the river Thames and extends 11km south; Lambeth measures 4km across.

ECOSTILER Site Måbjerg

Måbjerg is situated in the Region Midtjylland in the western part of Denmark near the city of Holstebro. Agriculture and food industries are important parts of the local economy – as it is for Denmark  in general.

The agricultural sector is facing increasing problems meeting the environmental regulations – especially regarding the emissions of Nitrogen which seeps into the fields where the manure from the animal production is spread.

Eco-Life Site Kortrijk

The ECO-Life demonstration site in Belgium is in Kortrijk, a city located in the Flemish province of West Flanders. The wider municipality comprises the city of Kortrijk and the seven surrounding towns with a total of 74 700 inhabitants, which makes it the seventh largest city in the Flemish region.

ECO-City Site Trondheim

Trondheim is a city and municipality in Sør-Trøndelag county situated by the Trondheim fjord. With a population of 173,486 it is the third most populous municipality and city in the country. This community has a very strong environmental engagement with strong research. It has an overachieving strategy with several goals that concerns energy and energy related issues; the first aim is that the municipality should contain the Kyoto-target for Norway within themselves.

ECO-City Site Tudela

Tudela is a community  with around 35,000 inhabitants to the south of Pamplona in the region of Navarra, Spain. Tudela will put intelligent energy management at the centre of its sustainability plan.  The community of Navarra occupies an important position in the field of renewable energies, and as such, has been since 2001 the official headquarters of the National Centre for Renewable Energies (CENER).  A national training centre for renewable energy is also located in the region. Both of these institutions are lending their  expertise to the community.

cRRescendo Site Viladecans

Viladecans with 64,277 inhabitants is part of the complex regional web that is the metropolitan area ov Barcelona. It is a coastal community, 12 km from Barcelona. It has seen fast population growth, with a number of inhabitants moving from other parts of Spain, and planning and development in the district has been unstructured. Households in the area have lower income and higher unemployment than the regional average.

cRRescendo Site Milton Keynes

Milton Keynes already has a reputation in the UK as an energy pioneer. Designated in the 1960’s as a planned new town, it is located close to London.

The Concerto-Project will comprise 7 blocks totalling 650 dwellings, with retail and community facilities at ground floor on main frontages. All in all, nearly 3,830 people will directly benefit from the project in Milton-Keynes. Because of renewable energy supply and energy savings, the buildings they live in will produce just half the CO2 that would be produced by equivalent dwellings without the measures.

cRRescendo Site Almere

Almere is a young municipality. Its first house was completed only in 1976. It is sited on the reclaimed territory of Flevoland.

The Almere districts of Noorderplassen West and Columbuskwartier were thus obvious candidates for actions under the CONCERTO project. In these areas, 2,000 eco-homes are being built, along with commercial and public buildings. Specific innovations with these developments include the integration of renewable energy sources and the application of energy efficiency measures in city planning, area development, public tendering, architecture and building.

ACT2 Site Nantes

The act2 project in Nantes was designed in 2003 as an integrated approach to enrich the local energy policy stated in the local Climate and Energy action plans led by Nantes Métropole Urban Community.

It also aims at improving practices of a complete chain of actors involved in the construction process: from decision makers to citizens, passing by building companies.

In this respect, activities to be implemented focus on three main areas:

1 – Demonstration

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