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Smart Cities Marketplace
Scalable cities

TRIANGULUM Site Eindhoven


Project status



Eindhoven is the centre of the Brainport Region, one of today’s three top economic engines of the Netherlands, delivering about 14 % of the national gross domestic product (GDP). Two districts - Strijp-S and Eckhart Vaartbroek - will be transformed into sustainable living environments as part of TRIANGULUM.

The former Philips industrial complex in the Strijp-S neighbourhood will become a creative smart district. An innovative concept to clean up contaminated land will double as a means of producing energy. It is also planned to optimise the heat provision powered by renewable energies of the existing buildings. A district-wide ICT solution will allow residents to access different kinds of infrastructure, such as booking electric vehicles from a district car-sharing scheme or using smart parking concepts. In this way, the IT-based tool will help residents to develop sustainable patterns of energy and mobility behaviour. In addition, electric buses will make city traffic more eco-friendly.

A different set of challenges is posed by the Eckart Vaartbroek district, where energy-efficiency renovations will be carried out on the social housing stock that predominates in this area. In order to precisely calculate energy savings, the project will use an IT-based instrument capable of modelling costs and providing a 3D visualisation of the district.

Demo Site Expected Impact

* Detailed information regarding the technical and financial performance will be available at a later stage.

The key impacts of TRIANGULUM’s demonstration measures are:

  • a significant increase in joint ownership of Smart City Eindhoven among users. Citizens and other relevant actors will be engaged in the process of investing into Eindhoven as a smart city;
  • a new, smarter way of working for the city administration that allows true integration of smart city aims and objectives within and outside the municipal organisation;
  • the implementation of innovative energysaving technologies that will reduce energy bills and limit CO2 emissions by 67 %;
  • data infrastructure and sensor networks get a boost when the open data platform further facilitates smart city developments;
  • people know they’ve been consulted and projects are being implemented in cocreation;
  • there’s been a sustainable transformation of public space and housing is still affordable;
  • there’s an uptake of smart solutions and a redefining of quality of life.


Buildings and energy

* Detailed information regarding the technical and financial performance will be available at a later stage.

The interventions in Eindhoven include:

Energy efficiency in buildings

  • Building envelope retrofitting
    • Renovation/refurbishment of dwellings: co-creation process with the tenants; use of energy saving visualisation platform (WoonConnect)
  • Building integrated renewable energy sources
    • Replacing heat provision utility (gas) with one powered by renewable energy (biomass)
  • Building services (HVAC & Lighting)
    • Smart energy-saving offices innovative concept (through the installation of sensors) for reducing an estimated 20% of energy

Energy systems integration

  • Photovoltaics
  • Wind turbines
  • Smart street lighting

Mobility & Transport

  • Clean fuels and fuelling infrastructure
    • Smart charging of electric vehicles by optimising the use of charging station


  • Traffic control system
    • Improved parking management
    • Detailed assessment for parking spaces (real time parking guide system)
  • Urban data platform
    • Smart city ICT open data platform
    • Transparency
    • Stimulate co-creation between government and partners in the city
  • ICT as planning support
    • Innovative ICT application (WoonConnect)
    • Interactive design and process for dwelling improvement (WoonConnect)
    • Stimulate investment in dwelling refurbishment
  • Strategic urban planning
    • Sensor network in the public space (fibre-optic data infrastructure)
    • Open WiFi
    • Sound, video and air quality sensors.

Building aspects

  • Building Energy Services
  • heating and DHW
  • Building Energy Services
  • lighting and appliances
  • Installed Renewable Energy Sources
  • photovoltaic - building integrated
  • Technology used to supply the buildings
  • boiler
  • Technology used to supply the buildings
  • electrical equipment

Energy Carriers

  • Biowaste
  • Domestic gas - grid-bound
  • Electricity
  • Geothermal heat

Energy Systems Types

  • Sustainable Generation
  • Boiler

Mobility Type of Intervention

  • Infrastructure
  • Vehicles

Thematic Field

  • Energy System(s) Integration
  • Information and Communication Technologies
  • Mobility and Transport
  • Refurbished Building(s)

Switching from steam based to water based heating systems powered by biomass (422)

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