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The Norwegian demo site of the SCHOOL OF THE FUTURE is known as Brandengen Primary School. It is situated in a housing area in the outskirts of Drammen, 40 km southwest from the capital city of Norway. The school’s facilities consist of three brick buildings linked together with arcades – the main building, the activity building for gym, arts and crafts, and a small building for leisure time. The buildings, designed by the famous Norwegian architect Arnstein Arneberg, are of historical value. Drammen municipality emphasised that the restoration of the facades had to be close to the original historic look, in accordance with the request from the conservation authorities.

Demo Site Expected Impact

The comparison of the final energy demand before and after the interventions shows that the final energy demand was reduced by 72 % due to the retrofitting of the building and the installation of the ground-source heat pump system. While the electricity consumption for lighting and ventilation increased by 5 kWh/m²/yr, the electricity consumption for the heat pump is lower than expected. The only energy carrier that is delivered to the building is electricity from the grid.

Due to the high share of renewable energies in Norway in the electricity production, both the CO2 emission and primary energy can be reduced drastically. Compared to grid electricity (51 gCO2/kWh) the CO2 emission factor for oil heating (330 gCO2/kWh) is six times higher. This leads to a drastic reduction in the CO2 emissions of up to 94 % with 68 tonnes of CO2 less into the atmosphere every year. The primary energy savings are also substantial. Overall the primary energy demand and consumption has been reduced by 75 %, saving 174 MWh/yr.


Buildings and energy

In order to reduce the energy consumption and to increase the indoor comfort, a two-step strategy was carried out. Firstly, energy-efficiency measures were applied to reduce heating and cooling demand. Secondly, the remaining demand was covered with an effective energy supply system, utilising new renewable energy resources to a large extent based on a geothermal heat pump.

Energy efficiency in buildings 

  • Retrofitting the building envelope
    • Additional insulation in the attic, mansard walls and basement walls
    • Replacement of windows as an energy upgrading measure applied to the facades

Energy systems integration

  • Near-to-surface geothermal energy
    • 19 energy wells for collectors were drilled in the schoolyard, each about 250 m deep


  • Smart grid

The overall investments for the demonstration site was EUR 1 093 000 (excl. VAT), which corresponds to a specific investment of EUR 154/m². Based on the SCIS calculations and the information available, the resulting total savings are EUR 42 870 per year for the monitoring data. While the cost for delivered energy for heat has been reduced by EUR 94 575, the cost of electricity increased by around EUR 50 000 per year. Based on this, the resulting payback period is 25 years. 

Thematic Field

  • Refurbished Building(s)

Brandengen Primary School

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