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Smart Cities Marketplace
Scalable cities

Solution Booklet PV and Battery

The booklet emphasises the dynamic role of batteries in the evolving energy landscape, highlighting their potential beyond traditional static installations. With the surge in electric vehicles, car batteries emerge as valuable assets for storing energy generated by photovoltaic (PV) panels and contributing to grid services. Both batteries and PV inverters can enhance power grid quality, thereby extending the lifespan of electrical devices.

The primary objective of this transition in the electricity system is to elevate the proportion of renewable energy sources in buildings and communities...

IRIS Utrecht

Within IRIS, Utrecht combines solar energy, affordable social housing and broad access to electric mobility. These solutions are developed together with citizens and built on open data to accelerate change.


Home to 350.000 inhabitants, Utrecht is the fourth largest municipality in the Netherlands and the fastest growing city in the country with a predicted 400.000 inhabitants in 2025. Utrecht's core ambition is to be a climate neutral city by 2030.

Stardust Pamplona

The City of Pamplona is considered to be the city with the highest quality of life in Spain. Also, it is highly regarded for developing its energy grid based renewable energy resources (RES).                              

Other than providing RES to the community, it will other smart and sustainable solutions for its communities by empowering and protecting the citizens through fair and socially inclusive actions.

MAtchUP Valencia

Valencia is a coastal town located in the midst of a large metropolitan area. The current City Hall Government is decidedly committed to innovation and sustainability as the basis of a new model of global social development that respects both people and the environment. Under the MAtchUp program, Valencia will develop a total of 52 innovative actions in regard to energy, mobility and ICT in various neighbourhoods.

City-ZEN Site Grenoble

As a major player in the Local Climate Plan since 2004 and as a Covenant of Mayors’ member since 2008, the city of Grenoble is committed to reducing energy consumption, encouraging the use of renewable energies, promoting social solidarity, setting up alternative forms of transport and developing environmental, architectural and urban quality. The main objectives of the Grenoble Local Climate Plan, launched in 2004, and revised in 2009, remain the reduction of local greenhouse gas emissions by factor 4 by 2050.

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