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Smart Cities Marketplace
Scalable cities

Smarter Together Site Munich

The Munich lighthouse demonstration area within the SMARTER TOGETHER project is located at the western edge of the city, and includes both the large urban redevelopment area Neuaubing-Westkreuz and the flagship new development area Freiham, set to become a model of low-carbon development for up to 20 000 new residents and 7 500 new jobs. With the aid of cutting-edge technology and the intelligent use of data, Munich’s objectives are to cut CO2 emissions by more than 20 %, raise the use of renewable energy to above 20 % and increase energy efficiency by more than 20 %.

Smarter Together Site Vienna

The SMARTER TOGETHER project demonstration area in Vienna is located in the central part of the south-eastern district of Simmering. In total, 21 000 inhabitants will benefit from smart project solutions within the fields of refurbishment, energy, mobility, and information and communication technologies. An emphasis is made on dialogue, in line with the Vienna Smart City Framework Strategy, where the human dimension of the smart city is the focus of attention. Dialogue includes all generations and backgrounds aiming at contributing to an integrated societal dynamic.

Smarter Together Site Lyon

Lyon is one of the lighthouse cities in the SMARTER TOGETHER project. The demonstration area in focus is Lyon-Confluence, one of the largest urban redevelopment projects in France (150 ha – 600 000 m² existing floor area – 1 million m² of new buildings) and an area of many urban innovations.

Sharing Cities Site Milan

Milan considers the idea of a smart city as being not technology-driven, but centred on its citizens. The concept ‘smart city’ for Milan covers smart mobility, a smart environment, and smart inclusion and citizenship. This sets out a bold agenda, which will see the re-orientation of demand for transport services; the standardisation of payment technologies and methods; and the adoption of a range of energy-efficiency solutions.

Sharing Cities Site Lisbon

Lisbon, the capital city of Portugal, has a smart city strategy that places its citizens and their needs at its core. Technology is just a means to an end. The city aims to become smart, sustainable, competitive, participatory, creative, innovative and citizen-centric. Lisbon has drafted an urban development strategy for the coming decades, and has committed to invest EUR 307 million in related projects (Programa Operacional Regional de Lisboa 2020).

Sharing Cities Site London

The capital city of the United Kingdom unveiled the Smart London Plan in 2011. The Smart London Board is the city mayor’s top line-up of academics, business representatives, infrastructure providers, and ICT and energy companies. It helps the Greater London Authority to shape and implement its strategy for how to apply technology to all areas of city policy (transport, energy, social and infrastructure policy). Smart technology and city data are becoming increasingly prominent in the urban planning discourse.

EU-GUGLE Site Aachen

The city of Aachen has 248 000 inhabitants and is situated at the western border of Germany with Belgium and the Netherlands. The district Aachen-North, which is the focus of the EU-GUGLE project, is a heterogeneous area with a mixture of recent and old industrial and residential buildings. It is spread over 300 hectares and has 15 500 inhabitants. The urban planning focuses on revitalising and improving the attractiveness of the district.

EU-GUGLE Site Bratislava

Bratislava is the capital of Slovakia and the country’s largest city with a population of about 475 000. Located in south-western Slovakia, the city occupies both banks of the Danube River (centre of the city) and the left bank of the Morava River (west part of the city).

EU-GUGLE Site Milano

Milan, the second-largest city in Italy and the capital of Lombardy has a population of about 1.35 million people. The area included as the Italian demonstrator of the EU-GUGLE project us called Zona 4 and is one of the nine administrative districts of Milan, located at the southeast border. With a surface of about 21 km2 the district has a population of 152 300 inhabitants. The project covers public residential buildings used for social housing and one public school.

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