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Smart Cities Marketplace
Scalable cities

Sharing Cities Site London


Project status



The capital city of the United Kingdom unveiled the Smart London Plan in 2011. The Smart London Board is the city mayor’s top line-up of academics, business representatives, infrastructure providers, and ICT and energy companies. It helps the Greater London Authority to shape and implement its strategy for how to apply technology to all areas of city policy (transport, energy, social and infrastructure policy). Smart technology and city data are becoming increasingly prominent in the urban planning discourse. The London Infrastructure Plan 2050 focuses on how technology and data can influence the future design and efficient operation of the city’s assets, and how the related regulatory and market issues should be tackled. In parallel, it has developed the London DataStore, a hub for the city’s growing ecosystem, which has generated numerous examples of how data can be used to manage and plan city operations.

The Greenwich demonstrator area is one of the most strategic locations in London. It stretches along the riverfront – from Maritime Greenwich, the UNESCO World Heritage Site, to Greenwich Peninsula – and spreads over 516 Ha. The site includes visitor attractions such as the O2 Arena, a new business start-up district, existing and new residential sites, and considerable water frontage.

Demo Site Expected Impact

* Detailed information regarding the technical and financial performance will be available at a later stage.

Within the SHARING CITIES project, London aims to: 

  • aggregate demand and deploy smart city solutions;
  • deliver common and replicable innovative models;
  • attract external investment;
  • accelerate take-up of smart city solutions;
  • pilot energy-efficient districts;
  • shift thinking irreversibly to local renewable energy sources;
  • promote new models of e-mobility;
  • successfully engage with citizens;
  • exploit ‘city data’ to maximum effect;

foster local-level innovation, creating new businesses and jobs.


Buildings and energy

* Detailed information regarding the technical and financial performance will be available at a later stage.

The solutions demonstrated in London are:

Energy efficiency in buildings

  • Retrofitting the building envelope
  • High-performance new buildings

Energy systems integration

  • Smart street lighting
    • 23 000 street lights

Mobility & Transport

  • Clean fuels and fuelling infrastructure
    • 12 low-capacity charging points
    • Autonomous vehicle tests

Building aspects

  • Building Energy Services
  • lighting and appliances
  • Installed Renewable Energy Sources
  • photovoltaic
  • Technology used to supply the buildings
  • electrical equipment

Mobility Type of Intervention

  • Infrastructure
  • Vehicles

Thematic Field

  • Information and Communication Technologies
  • Mobility and Transport
  • Refurbished Building(s)

Public electric vehicle charging points

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