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Smart Cities Marketplace
Scalable cities

ECO-Life Site Birštonas

Birstonas demo site was not implemented. The project found that it is not feasible to deeply refurbish social housing which is collectively owned by the inhabitants (energy bills are paid by the municipality therefore there is no incitement energy saving). If financing sources such as structural funds can be combined with other funds that together cover more than 50% of the costs, then it can be possible. As this was not the case, the original plans in the project with the demonstrations in Lithuania were canceled.

ECOSTILER Site Amsterdam

Amsterdam is known for its historic houses, but it also has many apartment buildings constructed in the 1960s. The CONCERTO project in Amsterdam is eco-refurbishing some of these more modern blocks in the Amsterdam New West neighbourhood.

A total of 300 1960s dwelling houses will be refurbished by the project, providing inspiration for 50,000 further dwellings that could be renewed in the same way.

cRRescendo Site Ajaccio

Many cities have urban fabric ripe for renewal. Ajaccio, the regional capital of Corsica, is no exception. Taking buildings from the 1960s and making them more energy efficient is one of the main challenges being tackled by this Concerto-Project. An added challenge is the renovation of buildings in Ajaccio's historic centre. Double-glazing with thermo-coating is being installed in fifty buildings in the protected city centre. These buildings are among 250 being re-glazed in this way.

ACT2 Site Hannover

Hannover, the capital of the German federal state of Lower Saxony, has had a focus on energy efficiency since at least the mid-1990s when it approved a local climate protection programme. Energy efficiency of buildings has already been a key consideration as around half of Hannover´s housing stock was built in the 1950s and 1960s to low energy retention standards. Hannover thus began to explore ways of financing modernization and retrofitting of buildings, and installing renewable energy capacity, such as solar water heating.

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