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Smart Cities Marketplace
Scalable cities


Sustainable Technologies And Combined Community Approaches Take Off


EU contribution
Total costs
Funding programme


With the STACCATO project three European capital districts - Amsterdam-Noord (Amsterdam, the Netherlands), Óbuda (Budapest, Hungary) and Oborishte (Sofia, Bulgaria) - demonstrated sustainable energy concepts in existing representative residential areas. The urban areas all faced technical arrears and a lack of social cohesion.

These large-scale demonstration sites, in combination with research and development aimed at innovative and reproducible renovation concepts and approaches, served the purpose to accelerate the transition to a sustainable energy supply in existing housing areas in Western and Eastern Europe.


Project demonstration sites

Fellow cities


During implementation of the project, a whole range of non-technical barriers existing in the social housing sector had to be removed. Research on the technical and socio-economic aspects resulted in wider applicable technical concepts and approaches for parties to start new renovation projects.

STACCATO achieved the following main strategic objectives:

  • More than 50% energy savings compare to the existing and new projects and improved indoor climate due to high-quality building envelope upgrading.
  • Large scale integration of renewable energy into energy supplies: solar thermal systems, solar PV systems and gas absorption heat pumps.
  • Preparation of district heating for future implementation of more renewables and efficient heat supplies.
  • Capacity building for follow-up projects.

Pivotal for realising these ambitious goals was setting up a tight organisation of the redevelopment programmes. Complexity levels are high and sustainability aspects are easily rejected. Focus was on early removal of barriers that could unintentionally have been introduced by building owners, residents, project managers and financial constraints. In the non-technical research task, decision-making and financial approaches were developed to guarantee the implementation of energy ambitions. Through R&D activities a wide range of concepts on building measures and infrastructure were developed. The original goal of applying these STACCATO measures was to reduce fossil fuel use in the communities by 50%. On average, this goal has been met with 50.4% if the fossil primary energy of the three communities combined is considered.

STACCATO’s experience provides very good departure point and solid ground for further take-off and up-scaling of thermo-modernisation of residential buildings throughout Europe. Technological, organisational and financial solutions developed for both individual homeowners and institutional parties are highly useful.

Building aspects

  • Installed Renewable Energy Sources
  • solar thermal collectors

Thematic Field

  • New Building(s)
  • Refurbished Building(s)


STACCATO - Final report on economic aspects
STACCATO - Final Report on Policy Issues the Netherlands, Hungary, Bulgaria
STACCATO - Final report on technical research results
STACCATO - Handbook on innovative energy concepts for renovation projects


Wilfred van der Plas
ENECO Energie
The Netherlands