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Scalable cities

Refurbished Building(s)

ZENN Site Grenoble

The neighborhood of Arlequin in Grenoble is a 1970s residential development of 1800 dwellings in a high-rise complex within a larger district called Villeneuve. The buildings range from 6 to 15 storeys and have a concrete structure with two kinds of façades: light pre-fabricated concrete modules and heavy modules. The neighborhood was born from an urban utopia, with an ambitious target of social mixture and an innovative architecture. The objective was to provide the inhabitants with a huge park and several public spaces in close vicinity to their dwellings.

ZENN Site Malmö


The Lindängen neighborhood is located in the southern part of Malmö and has a population of approximately 6 000 inhabitants. The average income in the neighborhood is lower compared to the average income in Malmö, and the average unemployment rate is higher.

ZENN Site Eibar

The Mogel neighbourhood in Eibar has been going through an integral renovation project since 2006. A lift installation and an energy-efficiency improvement to the residential buildings have been developed using diverse financing sources, including EU funding through the ZENN project.

ZENN Site Oslo

Oslo participated in the ZENN project with the renovation works in the Økern nursing home, which was built in 1975 and contains 140 dwellings for senior citizens. The demonstration site is one of four buildings connected to each other, the rest of which were renovated in the period 2000-2010. The retrofitting plan has been completed and the tenants moved in in October 2014.

CITyFiED Site Lund

Lund (Sweden) is a medium-sized university city with a research-intensive industry. The town dates back a thousand years, but the number of inhabitants has grown largely during the last century and a great stock of the buildings from the 1960s and 1970s now needs retrofitting. Almost 90% of the heat demand in the city is supplied by district heating, and the hospital and some office buildings are connected to a district cooling network.

CITyFiED Site Soma

Soma (Turkey) has a population of about 90,000 people and can be found in the Manisa province, Western Turkey. The town has grown around the lignite mining industry and the lignite-fired thermal power plant in the city. The Soma demo site district comprises 7,037 m2 of conditioned area. Buildings were mainly heated by coal-based heating systems, where old-fashioned stoves heat the dwellings. The buildings were built in 1982 and the retrofitting took place between 2014 and 2018

Two different retrofitting strategies were implemented:

CITY-ZEN Site Amsterdam

The city of Amsterdam has over 850,000 residents from 180 different countries, who own more than 600,000 bicycles. The wider Amsterdam Metropolitan Area has close to 2.5 million inhabitants. The city has a strong commitment to encourage green research, development and investment in sustainable initiatives. As a result, the area is enjoying a rapid uptake of electric transportation and a growing number of companies are developing sustainable products that influence global business. Amsterdam is exceptionally well connected, both physically and digitally.

READY Site Aarhus

Aarhus is the second biggest city in Denmark with 300 000 inhabitants. With the aim to become carbon neutral by 2030, the city moves forward with its climate and smart city strategy with a number of sustainable actions and projects, amongst which is READY.

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