The Mogel neighbourhood in Eibar has been going through an integral renovation project since 2006. A lift installation and an energy-efficiency improvement to the residential buildings have been developed using diverse financing sources, including EU funding through the ZENN project.
Demo Site Expected Impact
*Information regarding the technical and financial performance will be available at a later stage.
Retrofitting works have been performed in several stages in all of the buildings in the community, which has completely transformed the neighbourhood. The residents are pleased, feel more comfortable at home and their quality of life has increased.
Buildings and energy
*Information regarding the technical and financial performance will be available at a later stage.
Energy efficiency in buildings
- Retrofitting the building envelope
- Building services (HVAC and lighting)
Building aspects
- Installed Renewable Energy Sources
- solar thermal collectors
- Technology used to supply the buildings
- boiler
- Technology used to supply the buildings
- electrical equipment
Thematic Field
- Refurbished Building(s)