Swappable Battery Systems: A Clean Revolution for European Urban Mobility?
European Parliament, Room Spinelli 3H1
Join us for an afternoon discussion at the European Parliament on 9 April On 9 April, the Stan4SWAP...
European Parliament, Room Spinelli 3H1
Join us for an afternoon discussion at the European Parliament on 9 April On 9 April, the Stan4SWAP...
hy-fcell 2023 will take place in Stuttgart Germany. “hy-fcell” is the international annual event for...
In Amsterdam, ATELIER will develop Positive Energy District in six locations within Buiksloterham, in the north of Amsterdam. One of these six locations is De Ceuvel, an already existing energy community with a smart grid, participating in the energy trading activities of the project. Two locations are newly developed building groups, Poppies and Republica, with a total of 22,000 m2.