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Swappable Battery Systems: A Clean Revolution for European Urban Mobility?

Visual of workshop

Join us for an afternoon discussion at the European Parliament on 9 April

On 9 April, the Stan4SWAP Project, in cooperation with CEN-CENELEC and the Swappable Batteries Motorcycle Consortium, invites all interested stakeholders to an afternoon discussion of clean urban mobility in Europe and how swappable battery systems can help decarbonise urban transport.

With this event, we aim to raise awareness about swappable battery technology and discuss with relevant stakeholders the urban mobility challenges and commuters' concerns about switching to battery-driven vehicles.

In this context, the STAN4SWAP project aims to develop a robust standardisation roadmap to boost innovation and deployment of Swappable Battery Systems for light-category electric vehicles, an interoperable and user-friendly technology that can contribute to the sector's decarbonisation.

As a testimony to the importance of the project, the event is hosted in the European Parliament by Mr. Pierfrancesco Maran, MEP S&D, IT.


Practical Details

Please find the draft agenda here.

Type of event



partner event
9 April 2025 16:00-18:00

European Parliament, Room Spinelli 3H1

Smart City Theme

Thematic Field

Mobility Type of Intervention