In Amsterdam, ATELIER will develop Positive Energy District in six locations within Buiksloterham, in the north of Amsterdam. One of these six locations is De Ceuvel, an already existing energy community with a smart grid, participating in the energy trading activities of the project. Two locations are newly developed building groups, Poppies and Republica, with a total of 22,000 m2.
In Poppies, for example, the positive energy performance will be reached by balanced ventilation with heat recovery and CO2 controlled ventilation, low temperature heating, waste heat recovery from shower water and energy saving lighting. The four buildings locations will be a combination of tertiary (approximately 12,600 m2) and residential (approximately 15,900 m2) buildings, connected through a station for local (energy and resource) recovery of sewage waste streams and local renewable energy generation. The City of Amsterdam, Project Coordinator of ATELIER and City Coordinator of the Amsterdam demo site has got big plans! The PED within Buiksloterham will thus serve as a blueprint for the development of the entire area.
Demo Site Expected Impact
coming soon
Buildings and energy
coming soon
Mobility & Transport
coming soon
coming soon
Citizen Engagement
coming soon
Mobility Type of Intervention
- Infrastructure
- Vehicles
Thematic Field
- Positive Energy District (PED)