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Smart Cities Marketplace
Scalable cities

Information and Communication Technologies

IRIS Gothenburg

Gothenburg service providers, citizens and administrations work together to overcome urban sustainability challenges through a mix of open data, open innovation and public dialogue. The city’s IRIS solutions focus on testing innovative energy management and storage to achieve energy positive districts.


Stardust Tampere

The City of Tampere has the second largest, attractive and growing metropolitan area in Finland. It aims to be an internationally known, attractive and smart city for companies and citizens to invest on. It is highly regarded in the Smart Cities arena at a European and at a national level. It aims to develop projects that promote the use of renewable energy, better healthcare programmes and smart cities solutions and wants the city to be carbon-neutral by 2030 through digital solutions, new business innovations and smart infrastructure.

Stardust Pamplona

The City of Pamplona is considered to be the city with the highest quality of life in Spain. Also, it is highly regarded for developing its energy grid based renewable energy resources (RES).                              

Other than providing RES to the community, it will other smart and sustainable solutions for its communities by empowering and protecting the citizens through fair and socially inclusive actions.

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