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Smart Cities Marketplace
Scalable cities

Stardust Tampere


Project status



The City of Tampere has the second largest, attractive and growing metropolitan area in Finland. It aims to be an internationally known, attractive and smart city for companies and citizens to invest on. It is highly regarded in the Smart Cities arena at a European and at a national level. It aims to develop projects that promote the use of renewable energy, better healthcare programmes and smart cities solutions and wants the city to be carbon-neutral by 2030 through digital solutions, new business innovations and smart infrastructure.

Demo Site Expected Impact

The City of Tampere plans to enhance the building performance, thus reducing the residents' energy bills and increase the city's energy savings. Moreover, it plans to reduce the carbon emissions generated by the city through its innovative mobility and ICT solutions.


Buildings and energy

Buildings will be refurbished with smart energy-efficient systems such as heat recovery, building energy modelling and other advanced ICT schemes. Moreover, an innovative heating and cooling energy system will be installed to reduce and recycle the heat waste in the city.

Mobility & Transport

Apart from  installing electric vehicles, the City of Tampere plans on installing an ICT-based mobility system to reduce the time needed for drivers to stay on the road.

Thematic Field

  • Information and Communication Technologies


Maarit Vehviläinen
Tampereen Kaupunki