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Smart Cities Marketplace
Scalable cities

CELSIUS Site Gothenburg

Gothenburg took part in the CELSIUS project with several fields of action focusing on the construction of 900 new apartments, which are to be connected to the district heating system and used as small short-term thermal storage, for connecting ships to the district heating system when docked in the harbour, and for feeding cold water from the river into the district cooling network.

CELSIUS Site Islington

A mid-tunnel ventilation shaft on the London Underground and a UK Power Network electricity substation were identified as sources of waste heat that could be used to supply heat to Islington Council’s Bunhill Heat and Power heat network. As part of the CELSIUS project, Islington investigated how these sources of waste heat could be captured and integrated into the network.

CELSIUS Site Rotterdam

The city of Rotterdam participated in the CELSIUS project with a focus on two interventions: development of an energy system in the vertical city of De Rotterdam and the creation of a heat hub aiming to increase the effectiveness of the waste heat transportation network.

PITAGORAS Site Brescia

The city of Brescia in northern Italy is part of the PITAGORAS project, which aims to develop highly replicable, cost-effective and high energy-efficient large-scale energy generation systems that will allow the sustainable urban planning of very-low-energy city districts. The project’s concept for waste heat recovery system is demonstrated in a real-scale pilot plant.

PITAGORAS Site Kremsmünster

*Disclaimer: The pilot plant proposed to be installed at the demo site of Kremsmünster (Austria) is no longer planned. Although the oil and gas company in which the pilot plant was going to be built confirmed their interest on the solar project and the main aspects on the heat delivery contract were in fact agreed between the ESCO (Energy Service Company) and the company, they decided to stop all new projects in face of the current decline of oil price.

EU-GUGLE Site Aachen

The city of Aachen has 248 000 inhabitants and is situated at the western border of Germany with Belgium and the Netherlands. The district Aachen-North, which is the focus of the EU-GUGLE project, is a heterogeneous area with a mixture of recent and old industrial and residential buildings. It is spread over 300 hectares and has 15 500 inhabitants. The urban planning focuses on revitalising and improving the attractiveness of the district.

EU-GUGLE Site Bratislava

Bratislava is the capital of Slovakia and the country’s largest city with a population of about 475 000. Located in south-western Slovakia, the city occupies both banks of the Danube River (centre of the city) and the left bank of the Morava River (west part of the city).

EU-GUGLE Site Milano

Milan, the second-largest city in Italy and the capital of Lombardy has a population of about 1.35 million people. The area included as the Italian demonstrator of the EU-GUGLE project us called Zona 4 and is one of the nine administrative districts of Milan, located at the southeast border. With a surface of about 21 km2 the district has a population of 152 300 inhabitants. The project covers public residential buildings used for social housing and one public school.

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