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Smart Cities Marketplace
Scalable cities

Glennmont Partners

Glennmont Partners is one of Europe's largest fund managers focusing exclusively on investment in clean energy infrastructure. We raise long-term capital to invest in alternative power generation projects, such as wind farms, biomass power stations, solar parks and small-scale hydro power plants.

Greencrowd Partnership LLP

greenCrowd is a growing international partnership comprising professionals with deep expertise in finance, structuring, capital raising, business advisory, law, engineering, stakeholder engagement and energy policy.  

For our clients we provide professional evaluation and preparation to ensure that transactions no matter the size or complexity will attract the right form of funding. 


SUMA CAPITAL is a leading investment manager focused on equity investments in SMEs and in sustainable infrastructure projects including two investment teams with differentiated investment strategy:

•    Growth: focusing on high growing potential SMEs

•    Infra: focusing on sustainable infrastructure projects, particularly on the fields of energy transition and circular economy

Primevest Capital Partners

Primevest Capital Partners is a pan-European investment manager, specialising in innovative real asset investment strategies and has grown into a leading player in these sectors. Primevest CP seeks to deliver attractive risk-adjusted returns for its clients, with a focus on sustainable income and capital growth.


Kyotherm is an investment company that specializes in the third-party financing of renewable heat production and energy efficiency projects (district heating, geothermal, biomass, waste heat, solar thermal and energy efficiency).

Funding for Future

Funding for Future ("F3") is a specialized asset management company that supports decarbonisation of public and residential buildings by financing long term Energy Performance Contracting. F3's mission is to provide safe, comfortable and suitable for use buildings delivered by guaranteed energy savings.

CiviESCo Srl

CiviESCo is the certified energy service company of CiviBank, a bank with an EIB credit line for energy efficiency interventions. CiviESCo is the financial advisor of two EIP-SCC1 projects under the last 2019 call: SPARCs and Atelier. For that reason, CiviESCo is in the Action Cluster of Business model, Financing and Procurement of EIP-SCC.

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