The STEP-UP project brought together four European cities – Glasgow, Ghent, Gothenburg and Riga, along with research organisations and businesses – with the aim to improve the integration of energy and urban planning, to help cities enhance their Sustainable Energy Action Plans (SEAPs), as developed under the European Commission’s Covenant of Mayors initiative, and to develop innovative projects at the intersection of the transport, energy and ICT sectors. STEP-UP took an integrated approach to energy planning, project design and implementation by addressing three themes together: energy and technology, economics, and organisation and stakeholders.
Fellow cities
STEP-UP drew on the partner cities’ existing experience of integrated energy planning, building on this through learning and adapting experience from other cities and partners to create a coherent and easy-to-use model for energy planning. This model was adopted in multiple cities to deliver faster and greater impacts for Europe’s 2020 energy targets.