Since the launch of Ghent’s sustainable energy action plan (SEAP) in January 2015, the implementation of actions has been going well. To stimulate energy-efficient retrofitting the city launched different online tools. Citizens can screen the retrofit potential of their house in the online tool ‘Check your house’. Ghent also launched a digital solar map on which the potential for solar energy on every roof in Ghent is visible. Both tools are very popular and together have attracted around 10,000 visitors.
Subsidies for energy-efficient retrofitting, which are tailor-made for particular groups, are also a great success. In the past 6 months 500 energy subsidies were granted, most of them for roof insulation. More than 500 households consulted the new web tool ‘Energie Centrale’ for questions and advice on energy efficient retrofits, with around 150 households booking a free energy scan that the city now offers.
Energy coaching for companies is also proving a successful initiative; after an effective pilot with 15 companies last year, 30 companies have signed up for the new round of training. And within itsstrategy for sustainable food consumption and production, Ghent has launched a digital interactive platform where citizens, organisations and companies can interact and share ideas. A similar platform for energy-efficient retrofit is currently being developed and will be available to public soon.
Next steps
The next implementation phase of Ghent’s SEAP has a lot in store to make the city more sustainable. The car free city centre will be doubled in size and more streets will be livable and traffic free. Renovation advice for households will be extended further and tailor made to suit each household which comes forward.
More companies will be guided in energy management through the delivery of training, and nine citizen groups are starting up collective projects aiming at CO2 reductions and energy efficiency with guidance and subsidies from the City council.