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Smart Cities Marketplace


Cost-Effective Low-Energy Advanced Sustainable So1utions


EU contribution
Total costs
Funding programme


The Municipality of Egedal decided in 2005 to strengthen the energy requirements for a new settlement called Stenloese South. All the dwellings in in this neighbourhood were to be built with an energy demand corresponding to the Danish low-energy standard referred to as "low-energy class 1" – or lower. This meant that the energy consumption was to be 50% below the Danish BR08 energy regulations. The CLASS 1 project was conceived around this new settlement, adding energy renovation of public buildings, balanced renewable energy supply, R&D activities, training and dissemination.

In the CLASS 1 project, the strengthening of the energy requirements was used to boost and drive the technological development of 6 selected technologies/building components covering 3 areas: Rational Use of Eenergy (RUE), Renewable Energy Supply (RES) and intelligent energy management systems, and to prove the financial and environmental benefits of low-energy buildings integrated with renewable energy supply. 


Project demonstration sites

Fellow cities


The CLASS 1 project demonstrated a municipal planning process that, in combination with RD&D work, has successfully led to the implementation of more than 100 new energy efficient dwellings on market conditions, the energy refurbishment of two schools and five institutions and as well as the installation of more than 500 kWp of PV on municipal public buildings.

The demonstration project was supported by five specific guidelines produced within the project:

  • Idea catalogue for proactive planning practice for municipalities,
  • Specific guidelines for low-energy buildings,
  • Guide for introducing the EU-Ecolabel in building projects,
  • Monitoring guidelines,
  • Innovative practices for Energy Savings in the Municipality of Egedal.

The project has also shown a way for municipalities to work with implementation of sustainable solutions in urban developments and at the same time, it has enabled a greater focus on how to provide better tools for municipalities to set up tighter energy standards in Danish planning legislation.

The demonstrated technological energy solutions have resulted in a total reduction in primary energy consumption for the CONCERTO community of 69% - with a corresponding reduction in CO2. The total investments in RUE and RES technologies were 5.15 million euro and the financial value of the reduction in conventional energy savings and renewable energy supply has been calculated at 0.47 million euro, giving a simple pay-back time of 12 years.

Thematic Field

  • New Building(s)
  • Refurbished Building(s)


Class1_Guide for municipalities - integrating the European ecolabel in building projects
Class1_Guide for the building industry - integrating the European ecolabel in building projects
Class1_Specific design guidelines for Stenlose Syd
Class1_User manual explaining the use of the BEMS function of the Electronic Housekeeper
Class1_Ecolabel products and suppliers related to the building industry


Ove Christen Mørck