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Smart Cities Marketplace
Scalable cities

Alba Iulia

Alba Iulia

Alba Iulia Municipality as a Follower City in the +CityxChange project benefited from all the learnings and knowledge transfer within project activities. Many developments have occurred in collaboration with other partners, to develop new forms of visioning, governance, and innovation. 

Key outcomes and achievements in Alba Iulia:

  • Completion of a Feasibility Study for the creation of a PED site in the city, examining the possible collaborations to make this possible and the key environmental factors along with the Smart City Interventions necessary for PED realisation;
  • Development of a Bold City Vision for 2050 for the municipality, setting ambitious targets in sustainability developments and citizen engagement activities;
  • Hosting of the first Climathon edition at a city level with a number of different outreach activities and innovative forms of communication, to highlight the importance of climate neutrality to different stakeholder groups in the city;
  • Expansion of projects worth over 60 million Euros in the areas of mobility (building dedicated buses and bike lanes, acquiring electric busses, installing car and bus chargers), public lighting, and energy efficiency of buildings (geothermal energy for elderly centre, solar energy for Olympic swimming pool);
  • Budgetary participation processes to enable citizens to engage with the municipality and propose projects for funding in a democratic way.
