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Smart Cities Marketplace
Scalable cities

Energy System(s) Integration

ECOSTILER Site Måbjerg

Måbjerg is situated in the Region Midtjylland in the western part of Denmark near the city of Holstebro. Agriculture and food industries are important parts of the local economy – as it is for Denmark  in general.

The agricultural sector is facing increasing problems meeting the environmental regulations – especially regarding the emissions of Nitrogen which seeps into the fields where the manure from the animal production is spread.

SORCER Site Apeldoorn

Apeldoorn is situated in central Holland, to the east of Amsterdam and has around 155,000 inhabitants. It has set itself the ambitious target of becoming carbon neutral by 2020 and, through the CONCERTO project, is taking the first steps towards realising this aim by constructing 3,100 new dwellings of the highest energy standard.

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