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Smart Cities Marketplace
Scalable cities



Project status



The demonstration site of ENTROPY in Pisa (Tuscany, Italy) is the Navacchio Technology Park. It was born in 2000 from the restoration of an old industrial settlement and now covers an area of 18,000 square meters with almost 60 high-tech companies (ICT, energy and environment, microelectronics and robotics) and approximately 500 employees.

It is now composed of four lots. The main part (described above) is divided into three blocks. Lot 3 hosts the Incubator to support hi-tech start-ups, from the conception until the introduction of the innovative idea to the market. During the years, the Incubator helped many start-ups in the field of technologies related to renewable energy and energy saving.

The Park is partner of the Regional Pole for Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency Innovation (300 companies) and it is also the managing subject of the Regional Innovation Pole for ICT and Robotics (700 companies). Navacchio Technology Park is part of APSTI (Italian Association of Scientific and Techno Parks), which includes 25 Parks and associated to IASP

Energy infrastructure 

Dissemination and validation activities will involve only Lot 1, 2 and 3 because the forth was inaugurated in May 2015 and data are still not available for study. Energy consumption is monitored through ENEL smart meters. Companies, which own or rent offices and/or laboratories, have their own meters whereas Polo Navacchio S.p.A. manages the counters related to common spaces, services and facilities such as bar, canteen, auditorium, meeting rooms etc.