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Smart Cities Marketplace
Scalable cities


Design of an Innovative Energy-Aware IT Ecosystem for Motivating Behavioural Changes Towards the Adoption of Energy Efficient Lifestyles


EU contribution
Total costs
Funding programme
EE 11 - 2014/2015: New ICT-based solutions for energy efficiency


The ENTROPY project aimed to design and deploy an innovative IT ecosystem targeted at improving energy efficiency through consumer understanding, engagement and behavioural changes. The focus was on the collection of energy-related information from heterogeneous data sources, the proper analysis of the available data and the provision of interactive services, applications and serious games to end users to stimulate their interest in energy efficient activities, recommending actions for adopting more energy efficient lifestyles and increasing their overall energy consumption awareness.


Project demonstration sites

Fellow cities


The main objectives of ENTROPY included:

  • to design, implement and validate an innovative IT ecosystem for motivating end-users’ behavioural changes towards the adoption of energy efficient lifestyles;
  • to design and implement innovative ICT solutions targeted at the aggregation of energy consumption data from various sources by exploiting IoT technologies, mobile crowd sensing mechanisms and advanced networking concepts;
  • to conceptualise, mathematically formulate and implement an optimisation and recommendation framework with regards to energy consumption and optimal use of energy resources;
  • to conceptualise and implement an energy data analytics framework with regards to energy consumption, energy efficiency and associated costs, enabling end users to extract meaningful analytics based on the available data, detect anomalies and proceed to corrective actions;
  • to develop a set of innovative serious games and personalised applications stimulating collaboration and interaction among end users and targeted at behavioural changes towards the achievement of greater energy efficiency, as well as an increase in their environmental awareness;
  • to engage citizens via empowering them to manage their buildings’ energy consumption, making them primary actors rather than observers and to motivate long-term and sustainable behavioural change towards the adoption of energy efficient mechanisms;
  • to provide personalised behavioural analysis and consumption disaggregation.


ENTROPY_Energy efficient technologies state-of-the-art survey