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Demonstration at European Level of Innovative and Replicable Effective Solutions for Very Low Energy New Buildings


EU contribution
Total costs
Funding programme
Topic EeB.ENERGY.2011.8.1-1: Demonstration of very low energy new buildings


DIRECTION aimed at demonstrating how the use of very innovative and cost-effective energy efficiency technologies can lead to the achievement of very low energy new buildings. This aim along with the effective adoption of low energy buildings was achieved by switching to a model whereby energy efficiency provides value to the market and represents an attractive asset across the whole of the value chain. Two new buildings were used as pilots in DIRECTION - NuOffice in Munich (Germany)  and CARTIF III building in Valladolid (Spain). Each of them deployed a set of very innovative measures, constructive elements for energy optimization, high efficient equipment and advanced energy management. 


Project demonstration sites

Fellow cities


The innocative interventions implemented in the two DIRECTION pilot buildings enhanced the overall energy efficiency of the building in order to achieve consumption (primary energy) lower than 60 kWh/m2/yr.

NuOffice in Munich:  

  • Solar energy & electric mobility with 284 solar panels on the roof generating electricity up to 80,000 kilowatthours per year
  • Pleasant indoor climate with an air exchange rate of 1,2 in the offices High tech insulation with low primary energy use
  • Highly thermally insulated outer walls meeting the requirements of the EU green building labels
  • Sound construction materials – regionally sourced and LEED compliant
  • Optimized light and efficiency incorporating triple glazing and intelligent venetian blinds
  • Concrete core activation to maintain constant temperatures and aid heat recovery
  • Weather forecast control predicting outside temperature and sunlight from 3-day and 8-hour forecast
  • Geothermal energy from the groundwater to reduce primary energy consumption

CARTIF III building in Valladolid: 

  • 45 kWp Photovoltaic plant allowing a contribution of 15 kWh/m2yr
  • Envelope Concept: glass wall and louvers blinds to minimize thermal energy and light electrical demand
  • Building Design: glass walls in the southeast and southwest façades making it possible to reduce heating and cooling loads due to a very important solar gain
  • Integrated Renewable Polygeneration facility using high efficiency geothermal and biomass integrated systems
  • Advanced Building Management System that optimizes energy uses and electricity consumption
  • High Efficiency Systems: lighting, pumps or HVAC equipment (geothermal heat pump and the industrial areas HVAC system fans)
  • Free-cooling system for the entire building allowing a considerable reduction in cooling requirements, especially for the industrial zones

Building aspects

  • Building Energy Services
  • heating (only)
  • Building Energy Services
  • heating and cooling and DHW
  • Installed Renewable Energy Sources
  • photovoltaic
  • Technology used to supply the buildings
  • boiler
  • Technology used to supply the buildings
  • heat pump: compression

Thematic Field

  • New Building(s)


DIRECTION_Demonstrators control strategies
DIRECTION_Efficient equipment and renewable energy production integrated solutions
DIRECTION_Metering project for demonstrator CARTIF
DIRECTION_Metering project for demonstrator NU Office
DIRECTION_Suitable envelope combined solutions


Sergio Sanz
Centro Tecnológico CARTIF