Trondheim has seen many successes in the +CityxChange project, due to the effective collaboration between a series of partners in a range of sectors where new working methodologies have been pioneered to collaborate across fields. The municipality has taken on the role of an active coordinator and facilitator, striving to make real physical changes in the city.
Key outcomes and achievements in Trondheim:
- A full launch of 2 operational PEDs – Sluppen and Brattøra. The PEDs, comprising 71,000 m² of commercial buildings, include 4 GWh of existing and new local production from rooftop PV and heat pumps: Trondheim has established two Positive Energy Blocks - +CityxChange
- Development and testing of a new energy trading platform especially designed for PEDs and local energy markets
- Development and deployment of a novel solution for local energy and flexibility markets in the two PEDs, operating for almost 2 years at the time of writing
- Deployment of an eMobility-as-a-Service scheme (eMaaS) in the two PEDs with the EV batteries integrated with the PED ecosystem, enabling these as local “powerbanks” through V2G chargers
- Development and verification of a Finance Risk Sharing Model and a series of investment and business models showing how RES investments can be beneficial in a societal and business wise context.
- Establishment of the Bold City Vision “Trondheim Energy Positive City 2050”, which is also anchored and an integral part of the municipal Societal Master Plan
- Six citizen observatories and 11 innovation labs/playgrounds established within the innovation district comprising the demo areas, utilised for testing of 13 specific innovation lab solutions
- Establishment of 2 special regulatory districts in PED areas with extensive sandboxing of energy sharing between multiple buildings
Energy Carriers
- Waste heat
Energy Systems Types
- Sustainable Generation
- Waste heat
Thematic Field
- Positive Energy District (PED)