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Smart Cities Marketplace
Scalable cities

Users and processes supported by the SCGP

Potential application of the SCGP

Different user groups can be identified, each with their own needs. Foremost, this guide targets politicians and administrations of cities that are planning to implement smart city projects and low energy districts in the foreseeable future, such as fellow cities of lighthouse projects and cities participating in the Covenant of Mayors for Climate and Energy initiative, what leads to a pipeline of projects. In addition, the SCGP is meant for key stakeholders of cities in these projects such as energy network and transport operators, citizens and local businesses, and solutions providers.

The SCGP supports the following processes within local governments:

  • Preparation of smart city strategies;
  • Framing of smart city strategies within the wider context of long-term city visions and departmental plans;
  • Better decision making and better subcontracting and procurement having a long-term vision in mind;
  • Translation of strategies into concrete smart city plans and actions;
  • Orientation on possibilities for plans in future;

Use of KPI’s for monitoring of progress and adjustment of plans.

Other, less tangible benefits come for the SCGP changing the mind-sets of the cities’ key stakeholders, enablers and advisors by:

  • Aligning the perceptions of city administration and key stakeholders, such as citizens, mobility and energy operators;
  • Providing the basis for technical assistance in URBACT or preparing plans for the EIB;
  • Supporting the project manager responsible for integrated projects, whose main competences are often administrative or in management, but who is sometimes lacking technical background;
  • Improving the overall knowledge level on smart cities and low energy districts within the city administration and the local ecosystem;
  • Reaching a common awareness and understanding needed for successful planning and implementation, not only within cities but also with external partners making smart city projects more attractive for financial investors.

Beside cities and their key stakeholders, enablers and advisors, a wide range of other user groups have been identified, such as EU Urban Agenda partnerships and cities orienting themselves on applying smart city processes in future. The SCGP can have added value for the exchange of information and best practices for integrated planning and management of smart city projects through networking and dissemination at European scale. The availability of a document sketching how to do this in a proper way, can thus stimulate the wider market uptake within Europe by:

  • Knowledge sharing;
  • Replication and scaling up of smart city projects in other cities;
  • Bundling of demand with better chances of ensuring project finance.


The table below highlights different uses of this SCGP, for cities having different levels of experience in the integrated planning and management of smart city projects, for various urban stakeholders and for different purposes.

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