Join us for our second Scalable Cities Café on 13 December 2023 | 14:00 to 15:00 CEST. This café will shine light on “Get ready for the Roadshow!”, a financial capacity building activity led by the Scalable Cities Secretariat and designed to support cities in building their necessary capacities to scale up their projects and raise funding to steer their climate-neutral strategies.
Coordinators of the activity Paula Ferrando Julià and Álvaro Salamanca Alcázar, from GNE Finance, will be presenting the activity and answering questions, in view of its upcoming launch on January 11th 2024.
Why should you join our second Café?
Our Scalable Cities Cafés are the perfect opportunity to learn about each of the activities offered by our Secretariat. They are short, informative and interactive events. At every café, our speakers provide a brief overview of the activity in focus. The presentation will be followed by a Q&A session, during which attendees will have plenty of time to ask further questions and address any doubts.
This time, the activity in focus will be: "Get ready for the Roadshow!". As part of this capacity-building activity starting in January 2024, cities will receive support to scale up their projects, obtain funding to boost their climate neutral strategies, and contribute to fostering a green urban market environment. This will be done through 27 tailored capacity-building activities addressing critical questions to finance solutions or to deploy innovative financial schemes with cities’ ecosystems, such as:
■ How can your project be economically viable, and how could it be financed? What alternatives are there to grants and one’s own budget?
■ What knowledge and data do we, as a public administration, need to acquire in order to design a financial model with coherent and convincing data? How and with whom to initiate discussions with potential financial partners? As an administration, what is the limit for third-party funding?
■ How has this project managed to be implemented in the bureaucratic-administrative ecosystem, and in our municipality it is struggling so much? What barriers are we encountering that they have managed to overcome?