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Solution Booklet for Public Procurement in Smart Cities

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Solution booklets and thin books

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Solution booklets and thin books

This Solution Booklet covers various aspects, including the definition and significance of public procurement in acquiring goods, services, and works for public service delivery and infrastructure development. Emphasizing the critical role of public procurement in achieving ambitious climate neutrality goals, the booklet highlights the necessity for engaged local governments.

Navigating the complex landscape of public procurement is addressed through a focus on governance and regulation, ensuring transparency, fairness, and accountability in the process. The booklet further outlines key characteristics that promote the adoption of sustainable and intelligent solutions in procurement.

Highlighting the importance of collaboration between cities and businesses, the booklet offers a step-by-step guide to facilitate early engagement for mutually beneficial outcomes. Real-world experiences are shared, providing valuable insights and lessons learned for policymakers and practitioners. Additionally, a curated collection of documents and links serve as a knowledge repository, offering further resources for exploration.

Download this new solution booklet below and find out more here Solution Booklet for Public Procurement in Smart Cities | Smart Cities Marketplace (

EN - Solution Booklet Public Procurement