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Scalable cities

Refurbished Building(s)

SESAC Site Växjö

Växjö, a city with 64,200 inhabitants in the south of Sweden wants to free itself from fossil fuels by the year 2030. It has already taken big steps in the right direction, reducing its CO2 emissions from fossil fuels by 34 % from 1993-2009. Another objective is to reduce the energy use per capita by 15% between 2008 and 2015.

GEOCOM Site Mórahalom

Mórahalom is a small community in Hungary known for its thermal baths. The balneological use of geothermal wells has a long tradition. A study from 2007 states that ‘87 % of the municipality’s energy use is based on natural gas which translates into 59 % of all annual municipal costs’. Based on these findings with innovation potential, the integration of renewable energy sources, and in particular geothermal heating and electricity generation, took centre stage in the town’s strategy and vision.

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