The ZEP area in Kozani combines residential buildings, mainly social housing, with some large service buildings, including the premises of the Regional Authority of Western Macedonia, the newly developed campus of the University of Western Macedonia, which is equipped with an energy management system. The Municipality of Kozani and CluBE aim to develop a Digital Twin for the ZEP area as a Demonstrator to facilitate decision-making related to planning activities leading to a PED. Kozani is a Mission and Mission Pilot City.
Demo Site Expected Impact
Kozani aims to develop a Digital Twin for the ZEP area, as a Demonstrator that will pave the way to integrate the whole city under this powerful decision-making tool. All this falls under the umbrella of the transformation of the city from a largely fossil lignite-based economy to a clean energy paradigm for the rest of the country and Europe! In this sense, Kozani aims to be one of the Lighthouse cities of the project. And there is a good reason for that: the big cities are more possible to have smart systems in place, while usually smaller towns lag behind. The implementation of such a Demo in Kozani can prove that this the application of such a strong decision-making tool in this size of towns is equally - if not even more - influential as in the large ones. As Kozani has been a Follower city in the H2020 Stardust Smart Cities project and has participated in many other energy – related projects as a partner, it has accumulated knowledge and expertise to now become a Lighthouse city itself! Finally, Kozani has been selected among the 100 Climate Neutral and Smart Cities and aims to integrate TIPS4PED application within its strategy to become CO2 neutral and smart by 2030.
Buildings and energy
Transition from Fossil Fuels to Clean Energy, Energy Management Systems (EMS).
Mobility & Transport
Smart Mobility Solutions, Sustainable Transport Infrastructure.
Digital Twin Technology, Data Analytics and IoT Integration, Smart City Platforms.
Positive (clean) energy district
ZEP Area Development as a Positive Energy District, Energy Sharing and Distribution Networks, Innovative Renewable Energy Solutions.