STEEP (Systems Thinking for Comprehensive City Efficient Energy Planning) was an innovative European project delivered in partnership between the cities of San Sebastian (Spain), Bristol (United Kingdom) and Florence (Italy). These cities decided to join together adopting a ‘systems thinking’ methodology in combination with open-data sourcing to improve efficiency along all the key aspects of their energy value chain, by applying smart city concepts in an integrated manner while learning from each other’s expertise in applying sustainable practices.
Integral to the STEEP project is the concept of open-source information sharing and creation of a methodology that could be utilised and applied by any city.
Fellow cities
The STEEP project used an innovative open source methodology to develop smart city plans for each pilot city and help them achieve their carbon-reduction targets. The local authorities took a lead role in this process, coordinating the activity of relevant stakeholders.
STEEP has made available a background of knowledge that can be extended to wider areas (metropolitan) and to other cities that are approaching the smart city thematic.