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Smart Cities Marketplace


REgeneration MOdel for accelerating the smart URBAN transformation


EU contribution
Total costs
Project type
Lighthouse project
Funding programme
SCC 1 - 2014 Smart Cities and Communities solutions integrating energy, transport, ICT sectors through lighthouse (large scale demonstration - first of the kind) projects


REMOURBAN - a lighthouse project whose ultimate goal was to design and validate an urban regeneration model in the cities of Nottingham (United Kingdom), Valladolid (Spain) and Tepebasi/Eskisehir (Turkey), while maximizing its replication potential in two follower cities, Seraing (Belgium) and Miskolc (Hungary). The model leveraged the convergence between energy, mobility and ICT to improve quality of life, ensure social acceptance and empower citizens. REMOURBAN tested a range of technical innovations and solutions as well as new business models for city renovation and strategies addressing non-technical barriers.



Project demonstration sites

Fellow cities


The project aimed to:

  • develop, validate and guarantee the replicability of a sustainable urban regeneration model
  • accelerate the development of innovative technologies, organizational and economic solutions
  • significantly increase resource and energy efficiency, improve the sustainability of urban transport and drastically reduce greenhouse gas emissions in urban areas

The expected impacts were:

  • Reduction of the human activities impact in the cities by 5% in CO2/person·yr emissions and kWh/person·yr of energy consumption:
    • Reducing the building energy demand by 40% and increase to a 30% the distributed energy generation ratio
    • Increase the thermal and electrical energy distribution and efficiency by 10% through public and private investment with less than 15 years RoI in buildings/districts and 5 years RoI in energy supply interventions.
    • Increase low carbon mobility solutions by 5% (25% at medium term), meaning a 50% of CO2 emissions and reduction of delays and door-to-door journey time by 10%
  • Increase the citizens awareness contributing to reduce of a 10% of the emissions and energy consumption per capita

Building aspects

  • Building Energy Services
  • cooling and DHW
  • Building Energy Services
  • heating and DHW
  • Building Energy Services
  • lighting and appliances
  • Installed Renewable Energy Sources
  • photovoltaic
  • Technology used to supply the buildings
  • boiler
  • Technology used to supply the buildings
  • electrical equipment
  • Technology used to supply the buildings
  • heat pump: absorption
  • Technology used to supply the buildings
  • thermal storage

Energy Carriers

  • Heat/district heat
  • Solar thermal energy
  • Wood Chips 30% moisture

Energy Systems Types

  • Sustainable Generation
  • Boiler

Mobility Type of Intervention

  • Infrastructure
  • Vehicles

Thematic Field

  • Information and Communication Technologies
  • Mobility and Transport
  • Positive Energy District (PED)
  • Refurbished Building(s)


REMOURBAN_Characterisation report of European cities
REMOURBAN_Methodological guide on the development of urban integrated plans
REMOURBAN_Model for replication potential
REMOURBAN_Renovation in practice - Best practice examples of voluntary and mandatory initiatives across Europe
REMOURBAN_Report and policy recommendations on the optimization of the regulatory framework


Miguel Ángel García Fuentes
Centro Tecnológico CARTIF