Societies are facing a drastic decline in natural resources, growing population and climate change, which is forcing them towards a wiser use of resources. As a consequence, recycling‐based economies, energy efficiency and cooperation between companies to save materials are becoming more common also in European cities. Furthermore, wiser use of natural resources is becoming an increasingly important asset in international competition.
In 2013, Jyväskylä and the Finnish Innovation Fund Sitra decided to tackle this challenge by launching a joint project “Towards Resource Wisdom”. The purpose of this project was to create duplicable models for an ecologically resource‐wise lifestyle in urban environments in cooperation with local residents, companies and organisations. In practice, the aim is encourage citizens to adopt an ecologically sustainable lifestyle and enable them to develop resource‐wise ways for their everyday lives.
As a part of the project, Jyväskylä has made a resource wisdom road map towards 2050. The bar is set high: transport and energy production will be carbon‐neutral by 2050 the latest, no waste will be taken to landfills for disposal and residents adjust their lifestyles to fit the One Planet Living approach. The road map is divided into six paths: energy, transport, future water management scenarios, food production and consumption, waste and materials management, and envisaging resource efficient daily lives in the future. A holistic take on resource wisdom is a good alternative for other European cities as well to boost their economies, cut emissions and to increase the general well-being of their citizens.