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EIT Urban Mobility logo


Total costs
Project type
EIT urban mobility project
Funding programme
EIT Urban Mobility
Smart City Theme


Improving frail people personal mobility providing them with an e-bike tandem cycling experience, assuring social distancing and creating new jobs.

The challenge

Current urban mobility systems put certain groups of society at disadvantage – lack of inclusiveness, with sustainable active modes being inaccessible for elderly or physically impaired people, e.g. wheelchair users. Common paratransit providers don’t have the means for zero-emission transport services, while existing bike solutions for the physically impaired are not designed for safe transport with the wheelchair, thus preventing A to B trips and limiting the autonomy of the user. Furthermore, the risks of shared transport during Covid-19 pandemic leaves people in need without access to sustainable mobility that ensures social distancing.

The solution

Inclusiv_eBike is offering a safer and more comfortable cycling vehicle that will significantly enlarge the use of eBikes within cities, contributing to workers wellbeing, while assuring social distancing. InclusiveBike can offer urban personalised transport to people with limited mobility, allowing as well freight transport for last mile delivery of goods. last-mile.

The product consists of a pedal-assist, 4-wheeled e-bike capable to provide safe and comfortable rides for physically impaired. The chassis and transport platform are specially designed and equipped for wheelchair drivers to ensure that the passenger can enter and travel without leaving its wheelchair. InclusiveEbike is a safe, quiet, clean and energy efficient micromobility solution for the elderly and impaired, breaking mobility limitations and enabling wheelchair drivers to plan A to B travel with full-autonomy to move at the final destination.

The impact

The pilot has helped to verify and improve the design and equipment, with user tests proven positive travel experiences that can raise the life quality of passengers. Users tell of a fun and comfortable experience (the movements of the vehicle in motion do not make sitting in the wheelchair unstable).

Lessons learnt

  • Caregivers have been engaged in The pilots driving The bikes. Thus, carers have been able to give immediate feedback on The driving experience of both passengers and drivers with respect to The special needs of a disabled person.
  • The ability to look around during The journey and to have direct contact with The environment and The air is considered a plus.
  • The fact that two people with different motor skills can move at The same speed and The possibility of moving at greater speed for wheelchair users is seen as an added value.

Stakeholders involved


Project demonstration sites