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Smart Cities Marketplace
Scalable cities

Graz Positive Energy Building


Project status



The Austrian EXCESS Demo case is located in “Tagger-Werk”, a former industrial area in the south of Graz, the second-largest city in Austria.

The EXCESS demo case, a former feed production silo, is part of a 19 building strong complex with ~31.000 m² gross floor area. The main innovation in the Austrian demo case will be a multi-functional façade element with integrated photovoltaic solar panels and a geo-thermal heat pump, linked with an energy community smart control system and energy billing concept.

Demo site Graz Excess

Demo Site Expected Impact

A PEB standard will be achieved by activating the existing thermal mass of the building structure via pre-fabricated multifunctional facade elements including integrated PVs which are to supply heat and cold to the building. The energy supply for the entire area will be ensured primarily through locally produced renewable energy (solar energy, groundwater heat pumps, small hydropower plant). Innovative elements for load shifting, storage, user integration and interaction with the local electricity grid will be integrated and coupled with a smart, predictive control system to achieve maximum energy flexibility.


Buildings and energy

Several energy efficiency measures will be integrated in the demo building, including a multifunctional façade (electricity generation, heating and cooling) that can be mounted to the exterior of an existing building to improve its energy performance. The central energy system in place for the area is a hybrid energy system. It combines a cascading heat pump system, PV panels on roofs and facades and a small hydro power plant that will produce electricity and heat for the building. Energy flexibility in the building is also maximized by thermal building mass activation, and decentralized buffer storages.


Implementation of a cascadic heat pump system for heating and cooling, as well as of a smart control system checking consumer demand and comfort, as well as the status of addiitional elements such as water storages & batteries.

Negotiation & customisation of contractual relationships with aggregators, for example  contract duration, demand response triggering, assets and flexibility sharing.


Thomas Ramschak