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ECO-Life Site Høje-Taastrup


Project status



The ECO-Life community Høje-Taastrup is located in the western area of the municipality and includes the suburbs of Hedehusene, Fløng and Gammelsø. There is a population of 12 000, which is expected to increase due to further development in the area.

The demonstration site showcases 23 refurbished buildings with a total gross floor area of 19 494 m² and 5 new buildings with a floor area of 9917 m². The integration work included 10 heat pumps, 3 solar thermal systems and 16 photovoltaic systems as part of the refurbishment and construction activities. In addition, 10 energy systems ranging from charging ports for electric vehicles to electricity generation via wind turbines were installed.


Demo Site Expected Impact

*The KPIs for the new buildings are compared with the baseline of a reference building.

As a result of the energy efficiency, the total final energy consumption for the new buildings is estimated to be reduced by 609 MWh/yr when compared with the reference building. In the case of the refurbished buildings, the savings of final energy are estimated to be 1857 MWh/yr.

This makes a total 2466 MWh/yr of final energy savings, taking into account the renovation of the old buildings and the construction of the new ones, which corresponds to 48 % of final energy savings.

According to the primary energy and CO2 factors provided by the project, the primary energy savings rise to 4295 MWh/yr, which is 45 % of the primary energy use in the reference situation. The total amount of primary energy savings from the Energy systems integration is 8480 MWh/yr. In total, 12 775 MWh/yr (56 %) of primary energy are saved in Høje-Taastrup.

The refurbishment measures and high-performance new buildings yielded a CO2 savings for electricity and thermal energy of 806 tonnes per year (67 %). The total CO2 savings due to the integration of energy systems are 1101 tonnes per year. Overall there is a saving of 1907 tonnes per year (82 %) of CO2 emissions following the interventions.

Site facts and figures

  • Estimated population involved: 12,000
  • Approx. geographical area coverage: 7,800 ha
  • Approx. energy saving: 50 %
  • Approximate energy from RES: 100 %  



With “Gammelso” (see “Vision Area” at Map 1) a new residential area for 7,000 to 8,000 people is planned, which respects aspects like energy neutrality, sustainability and water reuse.  Existing buildings of value are supposed to be refurbished, new service buildings like a town house for multiple purposes and a shopping center with a small cultural building shall be constructed.

Solar thermal collectors of 3,000 m² (of a total 25,000 m² new high-efficient solar thermal collector field) are dedicated to the project, partly as solar collectors on buildings and in connection with an existing district heating network. A wind turbine of 0.85 MW has been (Picture 1) and 320 m² of photovoltaic systems are being installed within the CONCERTO activities. Decentralized heat pumps will be installed at different buildings.

In the building sector 40 dwellings according to passive house standard (total 4,573 m²), 70 energy-class “A+ “-dwellings (in total 7,000 m²) and a school, institution and administration offices with a total floor area of 8,000 m² will be constructed. Furthermore 102 apartments will be “ECO”-rehabilitated (in total 10,800 m²). The measures at old and new buildings are extra insulation with focus on avoiding cold bridges, new types of low-energy windows, special emphasis on air-tightening, demand controlled ventilation, heat recovery and metering. In the office buildings prefabricated TABS (Thermo Active Building Systems) are supposed to be implemented for base load climatisation, load shifting, night cooling and off-peak charging.

Three so-called “flex” houses (Picture 2) are built to test innovative building products or systems before rolling them of into a spread application.

A plant of combined heat pump(s) for heating and cooling (378 kW in total) in junction with a seasonal thermal energy storage (TES, ground coupled, segmented) is implemented. Low energy street lighting is replacing the old traditional lamps. Smart grid solutions and intelligent two-way metering systems (monitoring and control) will be tested.



In the tertiary sector an old 1-storey building of the company “Rockwool” (Picture 3) will be refurbished. It has a floor area of 4,000m² and its primary energy demand is going to be reduced from 265 to 41 kWh/m²*a, a reduction by almost 85%.

To reach this ambitious goal a 60 kW ground source heat pump with segmented BTES (borehole thermal energy storage) will be implemented for heating and cooling. A thermo-active floor structure will allow low-temperature conditioning and thereby an efficient use of the heat pump. A hybrid ventilation as well as 83 m² of PVT (photovoltaic-thermal) collectors will be implemented. High performance windows of the company itself will be installed and complete the retrofit action.


New building

At Rønnevangscenter, along the “Lindevangshusene” street, a new housing area is planned (Picture 4+5). Seventy dwellings according to the BEST DK 1 and 2 standard will be constructed, including photovoltaic systems. In total the buildings will have a floor area of 8,200 m², of which 2/3 shall be moved into by 2014.

The local plan has been approved and currently the design with the developer "Sophienberg Ejendomsudvikling A/S" is on-going.

Buildings and energy

The measures in Høje-Taastrup, realised as part of the ECO-Life project, featured:

Energy efficiency in buildings

  • Retrofitting the building envelope
  • High-performance new buildings
  • Building services (HVAC and lighting)
  • Building integrated renewable sources
  • Heat pumps

Energy systems integration

  • Photovoltaics
  • Wind turbine
  • Thermal collectors

The total investment costs for interventions in Høje-Taastrup according to the SCIS calculations are EUR 52 million. This includes costs for new buildings, building refurbishment, building integrated renewable energy systems and Energy systems integrations. The total energy cost savings are EUR 511 700/yr (32 %).

According to the project’s reported information, the payback period is 4 years for the total Energy systems integration and the building’s integrated renewable energy systems, and 14 years for the new and refurbished buildings.

Lessons learnt

The following information has been gathered as part of the CONCERTO Premium policy research.


Benefits of CONCERTO:

Local economic effects:

10 full-time equivalent (FTE) person-years were required for the planning and construction of the CONCERTO project.


Barriers encountered:

Economic barriers:

Financial crisis 2010.


Success factors identified:

Social success factors:

  • Project was well known in the region.
  • Good cooperation with the developers.

Institutional success factors:

EC support was a reason for the successful implementation of measures. There were other parallel projects without ec support having more difficulties.

The CONCERTO approach

An important aspect of the ECO-Life project is the Gammelsø area of the Concerto community, which is a mixture of green field, old industrial and building area to be transformed to a sustainable CO2 neutral community. The area will be a prototype for sustainable town development, rehabilitation and transformation hosting several experimental solutions. The ECO-Life community areas of Fløng and Hedehusene are characterised by existing buildings, dwellings and single-family houses mostly built since the 1960s. The energy efficiency of the houses to be refurbished will be improved by about 50%. The buildings on the sites owned by the municipality will be developed for low-energy standard and some of them will be passive houses and even plus-energy houses.


The main energy-efficiency solutions applied in the Vision Area will be tested and adjusted prior to application to ensure that they are user-friendly and effective. This will be done in the nearby Energy Flex House at the Danish Technological Institute, which is a facility for the development, testing and demonstration of integrated innovative energy solutions for the built environment, i.e. solutions where the interaction of buildings, installations, users and overall energy system are crucial for the adaptation, usage and actual performance of otherwise well-documented single technologies.

Building aspects

  • Building Energy Services
  • heating (only)
  • Building Energy Services
  • heating and DHW
  • Installed Renewable Energy Sources
  • photovoltaic - building integrated
  • Installed Renewable Energy Sources
  • solar thermal collectors
  • Technology used to supply the buildings
  • district heating (DH) network
  • Technology used to supply the buildings
  • heat pump: compression

Thematic Field

  • New Building(s)
  • Refurbished Building(s)

New building

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Steen Olesen
Høje Taastrup Municipality