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Smart Cities Marketplace
Scalable cities

CELSIUS Site Islington


Project status



A mid-tunnel ventilation shaft on the London Underground and a UK Power Network electricity substation were identified as sources of waste heat that could be used to supply heat to Islington Council’s Bunhill Heat and Power heat network. As part of the CELSIUS project, Islington investigated how these sources of waste heat could be captured and integrated into the network. After choosing the ventilation shaft as the best option, the project involved extending the existing network by laying district heating pipework in a highly urbanised, mixed-use environment with already highly congested subterranean utility supplies. The demonstrator shows how existing networks can integrate waste heat capture and use heat from multiple local sources, as well as exploring the shift to lower temperature operating systems.

Demo Site Expected Impact

Before the expansion, Bunhill Heat and Power Network supplied heat to around 800 homes, four offices and two leisure centres. The expansion to the network will add a further 500 council homes and a private development with around 1,000 flats. The new energy centre is based around a 1MW heat pump that will provide heat into the network at a temperature of 75°C (the network previously operated at 90°C and has been reduced to 75°C to accommodate the heat pump) and a yearly production of 9,000 MWh. The total primary savings are estimated to be 6.7 MWh/yr and 500 tonnes of CO2/yr.


Buildings and energy

*Information regarding the technical and financial performance will be available at a later stage.

Energy systems integration

  • District heating
  • Waste heat recovery


  • Demand response

Energy Carriers

  • Waste heat

Energy Systems Types

  • Sustainable Generation
  • Waste heat

Thematic Field

  • Energy System(s) Integration


Graeme Low
Islington Council