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CELSIUS Site Gothenburg


Project status



Gothenburg took part in the CELSIUS project with several fields of action focusing on the construction of 900 new apartments, which are to be connected to the district heating system and used as small short-term thermal storage, for connecting ships to the district heating system when docked in the harbour, and for feeding cold water from the river into the district cooling network.

A total of 900 apartments were constructed and these buildings are used as short-term thermal energy storage. When the demand in the global system is low, the buildings are charged. When there is a demand peak, the heat stored in the buildings is discharged and released into the system to partially cover the demand and therefore balance it. This will lead to a reduction in the size of the energy production peaks in the district heating production system whilst still meeting the overall heat demand on the network at peak times. The reduction in energy production will lead to a decrease in the use of fossil fuels and consequently the amount of CO2 emissions produced.

In addition, a ferry that docks in Gothenburg several times a week, the Stena Danica, was connected to the district heating system when in harbour. There are already possibilities available to connect ships at the quayside to the electrical grid, but the heating equipment on board still needs to be used. When using district heating from the city to heat the ship, no emitting machines on board ships would be required when moored in the harbour.

Finally, cold water from the Göta Älv River is fed into the district cooling network. The benefits of district cooling are a decreased use of harmful cooling agents, no noise from cooling towers or compressors, an efficient use of energy and resources, and reduced electricity consumption.

Demo Site Expected Impact

*Information regarding the technical and financial performance will be available at a later stage.

The 900 newly constructed apartments, which are connected to the district heating system, cover approximately 75 000 m2 of living area. 

With regards to connecting the ship to the district heating and using it instead of burning bunker oil in the ship generators and heaters, it is expected that this measure will reduce the CO2 emissions by 172 tonnes (62 %) per year and ship.

The river cooling has a capacity thermal cooling output of 30 MW with a set temperature of the cooling into the cooling circuit of 6 °C. The overall system performance for this system is 5 %.


Buildings and energy

*Information regarding the technical and financial performance will be available at a later stage.

Energy efficiency in buildings

  • Small energy storage
    • The thermal capacity of the structural elements of the new buildings will be exploited for heat storage and demand management.

Energy systems integration

  • District heating and cooling
    • District heating for ships in harbour
    • River cooling
  • Large-scale storage
  • Waste heat recovery

Energy Carriers

  • Heat/district heat
  • Other

Energy Systems Types

  • Infrastructure & System Integration
  • DHC extension

Thematic Field

  • Energy System(s) Integration

District heating to ships

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