The BEEM-UP building site in the Netherlands is located in the north-west of Delft, approximately 2.5 km from the city centre. The group of buildings is called Complex 5 and consists of 108 dwellings distributed over 3 types in 8 blocks constructed in 1958. The area has a specific identity as the surrounding buildings share the typical Dutch brick facade, a remarkable architectural quality.
Demo Site Expected Impact
*Please note that there is no design data for the electrical consumption of the demo site besides the lighting.
An overall area of 9 128 m2 was refurbished in Delft. The monitored energy consumption accounted for 191 kWh/m²/yr before the renovation and 139 kWh/m²/yr on the first year of monitoring after the retrofitting. The space heating represents the highest share of the load, with 137 kWh/m²/yr before the works and 75 kWh/m²/yr after. The domestic hot water increased its value from 21.5 to 33 kWh/m²/yr although a reduction had been expected. From the data provided by the project, it can be observed that the simulations did not have enough data to properly model the demand, and therefore the design results before the retrofitting are on the whole higher than that monitored. This is the main reason behind the growth of domestic hot water consumption after the works.
The total primary energy for the design and monitoring have been calculated using the data provided by BEEM-UP, resulting in 2418 MWh/yr. The BEEM-UP project did not set any goals regarding the reduction of CO2 emissions.
Buildings and energy
The tenants in Delft had the possibility of choosing a specific energy reduction refurbishment package according to their preferences. Measures included: solar panel, floor insulation and home energy management with a feedback system. The refurbishment has resulted in a substantial energy demand reduction for space heating.
Energy efficiency in buildings
- Retrofitting the building envelope
- Thermal envelope was improved
- High-performance windows (HR++ with layer of metal foil) were installed providing 1.6 times better insulation than double-glazing
- Building services (HVAC and lighting)
- Optimised lighting: LED lighting was installed in the common areas
- Mechanical ventilation system with heat recovery: improved mechanical ventilation system with heat recovery was connected to the living room.
Energy systems integration
- Thermal collectors
- Solar boiler was installed in 50 of the dwellings for warm water and heating
- Building energy management system
- ICT energy management system was installed in 34 of the dwellings, including smart meters. The feedback system gives occupants a real-time insight into their electricity and gas consumption, as well as weekly and monthly statistics. It provides the user with a tool to control the heating in the house via an application on their smart phone.
The investment cost for the intervention has been EUR 388/m² making a total of EUR 3.54 million. According to the data provided, the annual cost savings for energy are EUR 77 259 on a total cost of EUR 103 012. Therefore, the annual costs after renovation are equal to EUR 25 753.
The resulting payback period is more than 30 years. The financial analysis shows that a profitability of the project is not given due to the high investments in comparison to the low energy cost savings. This however does not reflect the non-monetary benefits that might occur through the implementation.
Overall, the BEEM-UP project achieved substantial improvements. The energy consumption in the Delft project is 15 % lower for gas (heating, hot water and cooking) than the average Dutch household and even 30 % lower than the average electricity consumption. Also comfort conditions have been apparently reached thanks to the refurbishment according to the tenants’ positive comments, which were collected during interviews with them.
Mobility Type of Intervention
- Vehicles
Thematic Field
- Mobility and Transport
- Refurbished Building(s)