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Smart Cities Marketplace

ASCEND demo site Budapest (District 4)


Project status



Budapest’s PCED area covers approx. 3,2 km2 in the northern part of Pest, in District IV, including institutional, residential, and industrial properties. The central building of the area is an unused school building at Megyeri road 45, to be retrofitted for efficiency, and transformed into a mixed co-housing block.

Demo Site Expected Impact

Besides the refurbishment of the unused school building, the PCED includes several municipal properties, including the local cemetery, Waterworks main plant, North-Pest Wastewater treatment plant, and elderly care institutions. Alongside the residential buildings, a district-owned school, a kindergarten owned by the Catholic Church would also be part of the PCED.


Buildings and energy

The aim of the refurbishment of the unused school building is to turn the building into a NZE (Net Zero Energy), mixed-use, co-housing facility. This involves implementing energy reduction measures, changes in tenants' behaviour of energy usage and the incorporation of an innovative heat exchange system.

Mobility & Transport

The aim of the project is to develop e-mobility points/stations to promote a modal shift through the combination of shared mobility and public transport, including e-mobility. An assessment will also be carried out to examine the current logistics situation (e.g. public space usage needs, traffic data, freight volume, etc.)  in the PCED area and to develop solutions to improve the efficiency and sustainability of freight transport systems. The city aims to deploy programs for roads with schools along them, integrating traffic calming measures with awareness raising to provide a safer and healthier environment for children.


The aim is to realize a data governance framework for the PCED. This includes mapping the status and preparing the modelling process. The action consists of data collection, management from the local PCED area buildings, infrastructure and other important elements.

Citizen engagement

The city aims to engage local stakeholders at the district level to raise awareness amongst citizens to reduce their environmental impacts. This will be done in close relation with local associations (such as, Solidarity Economy Center) and the district.

Positive (clean) energy district

All the actions planned for the site will lead to the development of the first PCED in Budapest.


Kinga Lőcsei-Tóth
Municipality of Budapest